For the warm months of summer (the few that we actually get
here in Seattle), I wanted to have something that would be refreshing, yet
unique, on tap. Since Goses are rarely
seen, except by those that seek them out, I thought it would fit the bill
nicely with its lemon tartness and orange flavored nuttiness from the
coriander. Add in a little salt to the
mix and you’ve got a brew that is sure to turn a few heads.
For my first batch of Gose, I decided that I wanted to stay
fairly traditional. I kept the grain bill
pretty simple and standard by using about 60% wheat malt and just a touch of
Munich to add a little depth to the malt profile. In addition to the sea salt and Indian
coriander, which I lightly toasted in a pan and pulsed with a coffee grinder
prior to adding, I threw in a few black cardamom seeds for that sort of smoky,
mintiness that I feel they sometimes give off. Hopefully it’ll intrigue and not disappoint.
Traditional Gose
Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (Gal): 6.5
Total Grain (Lbs): 9.25
Anticipated OG: 1.046
Anticipated SRM: 3.3
Anticipated IBU: 6.2
Wort Boil Time: 90
Anticipated ABV: 4.8%
59.5% - 5.5 Lbs Wheat Malt
32.4% - 3.0 Lbs Pilsner
8.1% - ¾ Lb Munich
20 grams Libery (Pellets, 3.0% AA) @ Mash Hop
15 grams Indian Coriander seeds (toasted and pulsed) @ 10
24 grams Sea Salt @ 10 Minutes
10 Black Cardamom seeds @ 10 minutes
WLP Lactobascillus (400ml starter)
Wyeast 1007 German ale (750ml starter)
Water Profile and Additions
Charcoal filtered Seattle water
Mash Additions: 1 gram/gallon Calcium Chloride
Boil Additions: 2.5
grams Calcium Chloride, 2.1 grams Epsom salt
Mash Schedule
Doughed in @ 139°
Immediately raised temp to 149° via HERMS, rested there for 90
15 minutes @ 168°
Sparged with 170° H20
5/2/11 – Added WLP Lactobascillus to 400ml of starter wort
and left at ambient temp (68°).
Brewed on 5/7/2011 solo
Doughed in at 146° and mash stabilized at 139°. Immediately raised the HERMs control to 149°,
which took about 6 minutes for entire mash to reach. Left for 90 minutes before raising HERMS for
mash out.
Collected 5.5 gallons of 1.054 wort. Topped kettle to 8.15 gallons so that after
the boil I’d end up with 6.5 gallons of 1.046 wort.
Boiled for 90 minutes with spice additions at 10.
Chilled down to 120° and let rest covered for 45 minutes. Temp dropped to 112° after which I racked the
clear wort into a carboy and then pitched in the lacto culture. Moved into the fermentation chamber with temp
set to 110°.
5/9/2011 – Dropped temp dial down to 68°. Created a 750ml starter for the German Ale
5/10/2011 – Carboy down to 68°, so I pitched in the German Ale
6/7/2011 – Transferred into a C02 flushed keg since I needed the
carboy space. Keg was moved up into my
office which was about 70° and left unpressurized.
11/11/11 - 1st Review/Tasting
11/11/11 - 1st Review/Tasting
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